7 Resume Myths Debunked

Author: Right Management

In the world of work, we often hear a lot of misconceptions when it comes to landing a new job. On one hand, we are told that resumes should not be longer than a page, while on the other hand, we have heard that longer is better. Job seekers have also been told that if they have a targeted resume that should be enough to land a new job. And on and on it goes, so what’s a job seeker to do, in the new era of job search? In this blog post we will name and debunk common resume myths.


Resume Myth 3: Resumes should include all your work history.

 Reality: Your resume should be targeted toward each position that you are applying for, instead of providing a list of all past jobs and responsibilities. Provide relevant information that demonstrates the value you are bringing to the prospective employer. But do not omit information that’s not directly related to the position you are applying for if it creates gaps in your employment history.


Resume Myth 4: Resumes should be general to increase your chances of getting a job.

 Reality: Your resume should always be customized to the position for which you are applying. The more tailored your resume is for the position, the more successful you will be in securing an interview. Invest the time to conduct extensive research to identify the top three strategic initiatives of the prospective employer, as well the required skills, expertise, experience and qualifications for the position, and align your resume accordingly.

 Resume Myth 5: A great resume is the key to getting a job.

 Reality: A great resume is the key to getting an interview because it communicates your skills, experience and expertise to prospective employers. Once you secure the interview, you have to sell yourself and convince the hiring manager that you are the right person for the position. Performing exceptionally in an employment interview is one of the key criteria to securing a job. Additionally, to secure an employment interview, a resume is no longer enough, an active presence on social media platforms such as LinkedIn is a must.

TO READ THE COMPLETE ARTICLE GO TO: http://www.right.com/blog/careerpluswork/2013/7-resume-myths-debunked/