
0 posts published in March 2014


March 10, 2014


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7 Resume Myths Debunked

Author: Right Management
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In the world of work, we often hear a lot of misconceptions when it comes to landing a new job. On one hand, we are told that resumes should not be longer than a page, while on the other hand, we have heard that longer is better. Job seekers have also been told that if they have a targeted resume that should be enough to land a new...

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Knowing Your Role- When is it time to Stay or Leave?

March 19, 2014

Knowing Your Role – When Is It Time to Stay or Leave?

Posted: 18 Mar 2014 08:20 AM PDT  Career Plus Work Blog - Right Management


As of 2010, the average American between the ages of 18 and 46 has had 11 jobs. This means that the average worker today is staying at each job for an average of 4.4 years. And for Millennials, those born between 1977 and 1997, the average stay in each job is expected to be less than three years. Changing jobs that frequently is not necessarily a bad...

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